District Assembly Prep

This site is designed to guide the pastor through the end-of-year reporting process. Much of that process is now completed online, some through the Global Ministry Center (GMC) of the Church of the Nazarene and some through the Northeast Oklahoma District Toolbox.

Start Here

Begin with the Updated Church Year End Instruction Letter 2025 .

You should download this letter and use it throughout the process to check off the items as you have them completed and submitted.

All reports are due by May 10, 2025.

1. Annual Pastors' Report

Annual Pastor's Report

Sign in to APR (confirm or reset the representatives for your local church).

2. Funding the Mission

Funding the Mission

The best way to make sure your church’s giving goals are paid accurately is to use the Funding the Mission website and use the calculator provided for our District after logging in there.

3. Report Forms

Church Certificate of Election

The Church Certificate of Election requires a digital signature, be sure to sign this on the toolbox.

Church Directory

On Church Directory page, be sure to list ALL positions (even if reported before) and include address, phone number, AND email.

All reports are due by May 10, 2025.

Complete all forms on the NEO District Toolbox. Click on the form needed to be linked to the District Toolbox.

4. New Digital Picture

Upload Current Digital Photo to Toolbox

  Please add an updated picture of the pastor and spouse/family.  If you want to use last year’s picture, notify Jim Thornton. Please do not use the same picture more than 2 years..

5. Confirm All Paid Allocations (Giving Goals)

You may report whatever amount your church intends to pay on the Assembly Handbook Page. However, the amount that is actually received
and recorded by May 16 is the amount that will be printed on the church page in the Handbook.

6. Other Reports

Annual Report of Ordained Minister or Licensed Minister

Cuestionario para Ordenación y Reconocimiento de Credencial 

Annual Report of Retired Minister

Annual Report of Evangelist

Manual 536.9 – All ministers who hold retired status must complete and submit this report. All forms must be returned to the District Office by February 15, 2021.  We realize this is before the end of the church fiscal year, so please report activity for the last 12 months.

Special Service Report and Application

Manual 526-526.1, 536.11 – Any minister serving in a capacity other than those described in Manual 504-525 could be classified as Special Service. This might include those with approval to serve a church other than a Church of the Nazarene, those in para-church ministries, serving a compassionate ministry center, etc. Such service requires the approval of the district assembly (and in some cases, approval of the Board of General Superintendents) at the recommendation of the Board of Ministry. This form is required for that recommendation.

Request for Retired Status NEO

If you are of retirement age, you may request “Retired” status, to be granted by the district assembly. If you are currently in a ministry assignment, you would be granted “Retired Assigned” (RA) status, if currently unassigned, your status would be “Retired Unassigned” (RU). Complete and submit this form to apply for retirement. Note that this is unrelated to receiving retirement benefits from Pensions & Benefits, USA.

Approval for Associates

Annual Approval from the District Superintendent of all Church Pastoral Staff This is for all current or proposed Pastoral Staff positions, Volunteer or Paid.

All ordained and licensed ministers are required to report to the District Assembly. Failure to report for two consecutive years may result in being removed from the roll of ministers. The above reports are due before the Board of Ministerial Development meets in February or March: Annual Report Of Retired Minister, Special Service Report And Application, Request For Retired Status, Approval for Associates, and the Non-Lead Pastors Report.

7. District Advance

Assembly and Conventions | June 6 – 7, 2025

Ordination  Saturday Afternoon | June 7, 2025 |  1:30 pm

All Lead Pastors and pastoral staff are expected to be present at all sessions.
Host Church:   Bartlesville First Church of the Nazarene | Pastor Steve Spangenberg, Host Pastor
3650 S.E. Adams Blvd., Bartlesville OK (918) 335-3211
General Superintendent in Jurisdiction:  Dr. Gustavo Crocker

Please contact Jim Thornton, Northeast Oklahoma District Secretary at (918) 851-1178 or jthornton68@gmail.com if you have any other questions.