District Licensing

District Licensing Interviews are:

Spanish – Monday, March 3, 2025, 6:00pm – 8:30pm, Fuente de Vida

English – Tuesday, March 25, 2025
We anticipate District License Interviews in the Afternoon and Ordination Interviews in the Evening
(But leave the whole day and evening flexible at this time).


Ordination Interviews are:

 Tuesday, March 25, 2025
We anticipate District License Interviews in the Afternoon and Ordination Interviews in the Evening
(But leave the whole day and evening flexible at this time)


All MIT forms are due by Monday, February 17, 2025


Interview schedules are expected to be posted and emailed by Thursday, February 27, 2025.

Preparing for ministry is a journey.  The Guide to Ministerial Preparation and Ordination (Español or Français) handbook is designed to acquaint you with the journey and provide information and insight that will assist you in preparing well.

When a Minister in Training (MIT) has held local license for at least one year, completed at one fourth of a validated Course of Study for Ministers (including “History and Polity of the Church of the Nazarene” and “Doctrine of Holiness”), and completed the General Secretary Screening for license, the MIT is eligible to apply for District License. The MIT must also be recommended by the local pastor and church board. All candidates for district license will be expected to be interviewed by the Board of Ministry.

If the candidate has been divorced and remarried, the circumstances of that divorce must be presented to the District Board of Ministry and submitted to the Board of General Superintendents for that to be removed as a barrier to ordination. This must be done before the first district license can be granted. Contact the district office for more information and the necessary forms.

More detailed information can be found in the USA Handbook for Christian Ministries and the USA Sourcebook On Ordination.

It will be the MIT’s responsibility each year to download, complete, and file the Application for District License. While it is the local church pastor’s responsibility to submit the Board Recommendation Form and the Mentor’s Responsibility to submit the Mentor Reports, the wise MIT will make sure that both are done so by the deadline for filing.

It will also be the candidate’s responsibility to be aware of the important dates and deadlines each year.

All applications and forms are to be submitted to the District Office: office@neokdistrict.com or 6705 E 81 st St, Tulsa, OK, 74133.

Renewal of District License will require that a minimum of two courses in the Course of Study be completed each year.

Start Here

District License

Please select if you are a first time applicant or seeking a license renewal.

First Time Applicant

Whether you are applying for your first district license or renewing your license. Please use the Instructions to MITs 2025 checklist throughout the process to check off the items as you have them completed and submitted.

1. Local Ministers License

The applicant must have a Local Minister’s License for one year and have completed Level One of the Course of Study prior to receiving a District License. While you do not need to show the actual license, the Local Church Board must have this action on their board meeting minutes.

Manual 523 – 523.7
(Page 213 of Manual)

2. Background Check and Credential History

Any individual seeking a local or District Minister’s License will need a criminal background check and verification of the individual’s credential history with the General Secretary’s office.  See forms below if you have not already completed these to get your local license. The Verification Credential History Request link below is to be filled out by either your local church or the District Office for Credential History Verification.  The background check does not need to occur annually, but must be current while you are in the MIT process.

3. Special Issues

If you have been divorced, you need to have divorce removed as a barrier to ordination before you get your first district license. IF you have ever been divorced or have other special issues that require further attention, please notify Jim Thornton, NEO District Secretary or Dr. McKellips, District Superintendent.

Explanation of Divorce

Explanation of Divorce – Spanish

4. License Application and Insights

5. Church Board Evaluation

For a locally licensed pastor to be considered for a District License, the church board and pastor need to recommend the MIT. Whenever that is happening, the pastor may want to engage the Church Board in a discussion of the qualities mentioned in the CHURCH BOARD MEMBER EVALUATION (a summary from the church board may be turned in to the committee, but it is not required). Please complete and send the RECOMMENDATION TO THE DISTRICT ASSEMBLY form to the District Office.

6. Local Church Involvement

For those serving in an assigned pastoral role other than lead pastor – go over the Local Church Involvement document with your pastor.  Ask for your Pastor’s counsel on how to best share this with the church board to make clear their responsibilities in the credentialing process.

7. Academic Transcript/Process

A broad and rich educational preparation is essential to faithful and effective ministry. The Church of the Nazarene has provided several pathways by which you may satisfy the educational requirements. Since this part of the journey takes several years to complete, it is important to carefully select a pathway that will be most fitting, challenging and informative for your future in ministry. Beginning your educational preparation my help you if your sense of calling is not yet clear. It seems God often uses the learning process itself to bring clarity.

The Church of the Nazarene requires completion of 24 classes in a Validated Course of Study to meet the educational requirements for Ordination. The courses consist of theology, ministry, evangelism, and church history. For a complete listing of courses required, click here.

Begin working toward completion of at least six courses (including ” History & Polity of the Church of the Nazarene and Exploring Christian Holiness”) or ¼ of a Nazarene college/university/seminary validated course of instruction for ministry in order to become a candidate for District License.

The NEO Board of Ministry has Education Evaluators who will meet within two weeks of our annual meeting and all questions of education credits will need to be dealt with by this group and not the Regional Committee. Please send all documentation of classes completed or questions you have about credits you have been given at least two weeks before the annual interview to the District Office at office@neokdistrict.com.  All transcript questions need to be received or resolved before the annual licensing interview.  The District Education Evaluators will deal with any questions or concerns before our annual meeting.  Current Education Evaluators are:

Jim Thornton – jthornton68@gmail.com (District Secretary)

TBD  (Tulsa Region)

Austin Troyer – austinjtroyer@gmail.com   (West Region)

Bret Metcalfe – claremorenazpastor@gmail.com  (East Region)

Otoniel Dannemann – otodann@gmail.com (Hispanic Region)

8. NEO – MIT Orientation

All first time and transfer MIT’s will meet with Dr. McKellips for a brief orientation on the day of interviews just before or after your scheduled interview.

District License Renewal

Preparing for ministry is a journey.  The Guide to Ministerial Preparation and Ordination (Español or Français) handbook is designed to acquaint you with the journey and provide information and insight that will assist you on the ongoing journey.

Whether you are apply for your first district license or renewing your license. Please use the Instructions to MITs 2025 checklist throughout the process to check off the items as you have them completed and submitted.

1. Renewal Applicants Insights

Please download and complete the yearly NEO – Renewal Applicants Insights, 2024. This is different than NEO – 1stTime Applicants Insights.

2. Recommendation by and Agreement with Local Church

For those not serving as lead pastor – annually you will need a recommendation from your local church for a District License and an updated Formal Agreement for your ministry responsibilities.

3. Educational Progress

All MIT’s seeking renewal are expected to complete at least two classes in a Validated Course of Study each year.  Please send documentation of classes completed or any questions to be considered to the District Office. Because all questions of education credits are to be dealt with by the Education Evaluators in advance and not by the Regional Committees, please send your documentation and questions at least two weeks before the annual interview.  Current Education Evaluators are:

Jim Thornton – jthornton68@gmail.com (District Secretary)

TBD (Tulsa Region)

Austin Troyer – austinjtroyer@gmail.com  (West Region)

Bret Metcalfe – claremorenazpastor@gmail.com  (East Region)

Otoniel Dannemann – otodann@gmail.com (Hispanic Region)

4. MDB Mentoring Component

It is the responsibility of each MIT to contact their assigned mentor throughout the year for input and review of ministerial progress.  The Mentoring Component is an important part of ministerial preparation. Be sure the mentor completes Mentoring Notes prior to the due date and turns them into the District Office.  Refer to the Mentor Assignment sheet to confirm your assigned mentor.