
Office Staff

Katrina Schuber

Administrative Assistant

Katrina studied Business Administration/Accounting at De Anza College.  She and her husband Jerry are part of Core Church. She loves people and is gifted in administration and technology. Katrina primarily works Mondays and Thursdays in the office.


Michelle Proctor


Michelle joined the NEO Team in April, 2021, as District Bookkeeper.  Michelle is no stranger to NEO as she has served as Youth Pastor, Pulpit Supply and on the NYI and SDMI District Ministry Boards at various times dating back to 2002.  Michelle continues ministering and serving the Lord by opening their home to others by leading a Core Neighborhood Church on Sundays and a Core Fellowship Group on Wednesdays.  Michelle, along with her husband Tony, enjoy spending time working and ministering together in their church and in their tax/accounting practice, traveling to new places and spending time with their beloved family.  They are blessed with three children and three grandchildren.

Gloria McKellips

Special Projects Assistant

Gloria joined the district team in July 2007 after teaching private piano lessons for 28 years. Gloria, along with her husband, Dave, love the people of Northeast Oklahoma and are privileged to serve alongside these great friends. They are blessed and greatly enjoy the rare moments they spend with their three children and seven grandchildren.

District Advisory Council

David McKellips (chairman, ordained minister)
Austin Troyer (secretary, ordained minister)
Steve Davis (ordained minister)
Jeff Jankowski (layperson)
Connor Mackenzie (layperson)
Scott Moore (ordained minister)
Tony Proctor (layperson)
Christy Thornton(ordained minister)
Abby Williams  (layperson)

Jim Thornton (District Secretary)
Tim Ogden (District Treasurer)
Joe Gschwandtner (NDI Chairman)
Carol Stevens (District NMI President)
Nick Williams (District NYI President)